Adding an individual contact

You can add local contacts individually in the Contacts panel, using the Contacts menu and in the History panel. For information on populating contacts, see Adding and exporting contacts.

If your G-Suite account is added to Bria, Bria displays two types of contact – local contacts and G-Suite contacts. G-Suite contacts have on them as an identifier. G-Suite contacts are added automatically when you add your G-Suite account. G-Suite contacts are read-only.

Adding a local contact in the Contacts panel

Use Add a new contact or the shortcut menu to add an individual contact from the Contacts panel.

Adding a contact using the Contacts menu

You can add contacts to Bria using the Contacts menu on the menu bar.

Adding a contact in the History panel

Add an unknown number to a new or existing contact from History.

Adding a new number to an existing contact in the History panel

Add an unknown number to an existing contact from the History panel using the shortcut menu. This method does not create a new contact; it just edits an existing contact to add the new number you see in the History panel.

Fields in Contact Profile

The Contact Profile is divided into Contact Summary, Contact. If you have merged multiple contacts together, you may see more than one Contact section.

Some fields may be read-only depending on how the contact was added to Bria.

There is no Contact Profile for G-Suite contacts. Contact information can only be viewed in the contact flyout.

This following is a list of Bria contact fields and their description:

Contact summary

  • Contact image: The image associated with the contact. If the contact has more than one image, use the drop-down to choose the image that you want to use. You can also use the drop-down to Change or Reset the image.
  • Display as: This field only shows if there are more than one Display name is available for this contact. If several display names are available, choose the one that you want to show in the contact list.
  • Group: Click the drop-down list and select each group the contact is going to belong to. A contact must belong to one group and can belong to multiple groups. See Managing groups for more information.
  • Primary presence: This field is read-only. Primary presence is used for:
  • Primary Call (Mac): This field is read-only unless the contact has more than one phone number. Primary Call is used with single-click calling and double-click calling.
  • Primary phone number (Windows): This field is ready-only unless the contact has more than one phone number. The Primary phone number is used with single-click calling and double-click calling.


Display name (required on Windows): The display name is the source of information.

First name, Last name (Optional): A first name and a last name for the contact.

Contact Methods: The drop-down list that contains the different methods of contacts.

Enter the person's IM address as follows:

Presence: This field is automatically populated when you enter and address in the Softphone contact method. It indicates that you are sharing presence information using this address. The address is shown in the list in the Primary presence field.