SIP account settings

Bria Teams

Team Voice and Team Messaging accounts are view only.

If your administrator has set up an additional SIP account, you can access the settings here. All settings for the additional SIP account are ready-only except for the Bria Push Service settings. If you believe a change is required to your configurations, talk to your administrator who can access the Bria Solo Portal. Teams Portal.

Before you make changes to an existing account in Settings > Accounts (SIP), turn the account toggle switch off. Turn the account toggle switch on when you have finished making changes.

Bria Solo

Bria clients show the SIP accounts that you configured using the BriaThis is view only. To change the configuration, go to Bria Solo Portal so that the changes will be provisioned to all of your devices.

If you make changes in Settings > Account (SIP) and tap ü, the changes are saved.

If you make changes in Settings > Account (SIP) and tap X, you are presented a dialogue to Discard Changes or Apply Changes before you can leave the screen.

Account details



Account Name

Enter a name for each account to identify different accounts when you have multiple accounts.


On: Sets the account as active.

Off: You are not using this account so you do not want the account register automatically.

User Details



Display as

Your name. This is your Caller ID, if supported or just your phone number.


User portion of your SIP Address of Record (AOR). For example, if your account is, the username is 6045551234


The password for your SIP account.

Provided by your VoIP service provider.


If your account is, the domain is myVoIPProvider.

Provided by your VoIP service provider.

Bria Push Service



Use Push Notifications

Bria uses the Bria Push Service to support inbound calls when Bria is in the background or when Bria is exited.

When you use the Bria Push Service, your account configuration is stored on CounterPath’s push notification server. The data is securely transmitted in accordance to our Privacy Policy. In order to use the Bria Push Service, you must accept the Bria Push Service agreement.

  • On: Default. Bria uses the Bria Push Service for inbound calls when Bria is in the background or when Bria is exited.

  • Off: Bria does not use the Bria Push Service for inbound calls.

Registration Mode

Change this setting from Standard to Single Device Emulation if your VoIP service provider does not support dual or multiple registrations. Most service providers support dual or multiple registrations.

  • Continuous: Your VoIP service provider supports multiple registrations. The Bria Push server is always connected to the SIP server. Bria is only connected to the SIP server when Bria is in the foreground. When Bria is in the foreground, Bria ignores push notifications so that you do not receive duplicate notifications.

  • Single Device Takeover: Your VoIP service provider does not support multiple registrations. This settings allowsBria and the Bria Push server to take over the registration from each other.

  • Standard: Your VoIP service provider supports multiple registrations. Both Bria and the Bria Push server can be registered with the SIP server at the same time. If you are already using this setting and you have no problems receiving push notifications, leave Registration Mode as Standard. Otherwise, use Continuous if your VoIP service provider supports multiple registrations.

  • Single Device Emulation: Your VoIP service provider does not support multiple registrations. Both Bria and the Bria Push server must unregister before the other one can register. If you are already using this setting and you have not problems receiving push notifications, you can leave Registration Mode as Single Device Emulation. Otherwise, use Single Device Takeover if your VoIP server provider does not support multiple registrations.

NAT Emulation

Use this setting if your VoIP service provider uses a session border controller (SBC).

  • On: The Bria Push Service will act as if it is behind a NAT by using a private IP address.

  • Off: Default

SIP Proxy

Enter your outbound proxy if your VoIP service provider requires you to use different SIP proxies for Bria and for the Bria Push Service to communicate with the PBX.

Advanced Settings

These settings are used for VoIP service providers that do not follow the SIP RFC specifications.

  • Insert R Instance: When enabled, the hash token is used as the rinstance in the contact header of SIP register.

  • Disable Hash Token: When enabled, the uri.user does not contain the hash token in the contact header of SIP register.

  • Auto Send 180: When enabled, SIP 180 (Ringing) response code is sent out as soon as the push notification is received.

  • Disable Override Domain: When enabled, the domain from the to header of the INVITE will not be overridden.

  • Server Refresh Interval: The Push Server SIP registration time refresh in seconds. The default is 3600 seconds.

Other SIP account settings



Account Specific Features

Opens the settings screen for features that apply to individual SIP accounts.

See Account Specific Features (SIP).

Call forwarding

Opens the settings screen for call forwarding for this particular SIP account.

See Call forwarding (SIP).