Working with messages

Availability of this feature depends on the Bria solution you subscribe to.

Available in: Teams.

Not available in: Solo.

From Messaging, you can use quick responses, copy, and forward messages.

Using Quick Responses

Quick Responses are pre-defined replies that let you respond quickly to an 1:1 conversation or a chat room.

Copying a message

You can copy one or more messages in an IM or a chat room. Then you can paste the messages within Bria or in another app.

Forwarding a message

You can forward one or more messages in an IM or a chat room to your XMPP contact.

To forward messages, follow the same steps as copying but tap Forward instead.

The "Forward" button is on the long-press menu.

Bria asks whom to forward to; type a name and select a contact, and then tap Send.