
Bria stores your contacts for you. These contacts may be contacts you have added using Bria, they can be contacts that are saved to your device, or they can be special Bria contacts known as team members.

The Contacts tab shows subsections, from left to right:

  • Team: your team members from your Bria Teams account.

  • Contacts: contacts saved on your device.

  • Favorites: choose a few from contacts saved on your device for easier access.

Contacts saved on your device

Bria uses contacts saved on your device. Bria’s Contacts are continually synchronized with your native contacts. Adding, modifying or deleting a contact from one list updates the other list. You must enable iCloud contact syncing by setting iOS Settings > Contacts > Default Account to iCloud for this feature to work properly.

When multiple entries are merged as one entry on iOS, modifying a contact within Bria updates all the contact sources. For example, if you have set up the contacts from iCloud and Exchange and link the three entries as one entry on iOS, you see one single contact on Bria with unified information from the three sources. Editing this contact on Bria also updates contacts on iCloud and Exchange. Use the native contacts app to update only one source, such as iCloud.

If you have contacts that you use frequently, you can add these contacts as Favorites for easier access.

Team members for Bria Teams

Team members share their online status with you using their Team Messaging account. You can also exchange instant messages (IMs) with your team members.